I'm trying to make a join on tables that have composite keys. Example:
var turnos = from turno in Turnos.All()
join turnoService in TurnoServices.All()
on new {turno.pk1, turno.pk2} equals new {turnoService.pk1, turnoService.pk2 }
select turno;
The above sentence throws an exception:
"The construtor 'Void .ctor(System.Nullable1[System.Int16], System.Nullable
1[System.Int32])' is not supported"
As I can see (debuging subsonic core there is no implementation for join with composite keys, is that correct? I said that becouse in the method VisitNew from SubSonic.Linq.Structure.TSqlFormatter it only asks if the type of the constructor is DateTime and if not just throws an exception...
Thanks in advance.