I am not sure which strategy to adopt...I am focusing on my operation getting completed, but I'd also like to keep performance issues to a min too...there is a method called Execute() which has to wait (run synchronously) until an operation completes. This operation happens on another thread. There are 2 ways to implement the same thing...
By using ManualResetEvent
void Execute()
taskHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
//delegate task to another thread
By using a simple while construct
void Execute()
//delegate task to another thread
while (!JobCompleted)
Which one of the two approaches should I adopt...why?
Q2. What if I just had an empty while contruct? Whats the difference...?
EDIT: (something I gathered before)
http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/threads/waithandles.shtml - This article says manualresets are comparitively slower because they go out of managed code and back in...