Hi ,
I have a simple jsp form that the customer uses to send us emails. Though on some occasions the emails come through incorrectly formatted with the text =?ISO-8859-1?Q?
sporadically displayed throughout the text of the email.
I know that ISO-8859-1 is a character encoding though I am not sure how this error is occurring and have been unable to reproduce this error. I have tried to fill out the form with different character encoding selected using Firefox but still cant reproduce. I have tried to use a laptop with Chinese Win XP language settings to fill out the form but also unable to reproduce this error.
Has anyone seen this error or have any ideas how I could reproduce this this?
Thanks for your comments - I am still looking for a way to reproduce this bug or a reason to why its happening,
the jsp code is straightforward (below) used within a portlet in weblogic 9
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-adapter-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
<%@ page import="java.lang.String" %>
<title>Feedback Form</title>
<html:form action="/emailFeedback">
<label>First name </label>
<html:text property="forename"/>
<label>Surname </label>
<html:text property="surname"/>
<label>telephone number </label>
<html:text property="telephonenumber"/>
<label>Zip code</label>
<html:text property="zipcode"/>
<label>DOB (MM/DD/YYYY)</label>
<html:text property="dob" />
<label>Email </label>
<html:text property="email"/>
<label>Confirm Email </label>
<html:text property="confirm_email"/>
<html:option value="">select > ></html:option>
<html:option value="Test1">Test1</html:option>
<html:option value="Test2">Test2 Payments</html:option>
<html:option value="Test3">Test3</html:option>
<html:textarea property="feedback" cols="40" rows="7" />
<input value="Submit your query" type="submit">
The email incorrect email format is below (cleaned of personal data!)
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=0A=0A______firstname:=09=09tes?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?t=0A______lastname:=09=09KRA=0A___?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?___Email:=09=09sampleemail@yaho?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?o.fr=0A______DOB:=09=09=09=0A______?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?telephonenumber:=05=09454465465456=0A?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?______zipcode:=09=09=0A______T?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?hree_No:=09=0907533644972=0A______Feedback:_____=0A______h?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?sample_test_with_underscores_linking_words?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?9_14.97=sample_test_with_underscores_linking_words?=
A sample email with the correct formatting is below for reference:
firstnameame: John
last ame: Doe
email: [email protected]
DOB: 01/02/1957
Telephone : 005465465465
ZIPCODE: 91210
Correctly formatted feedback.