Hi Guys
I need some help with parent() in jQuery.
I have a list of images, each followed by a form, where the user can perform some actions, like changing the description of the image etc.
<div id='items_list' class='items_list' >
<div id='item_209' class='item_details' >
<form action='actions_dispatch2.php' method='post' name='update_image_details' class='form'>
<input name='originator' type='hidden' value='/list_images3.php' />
<input name='album_id' type='hidden' value='27' />
<input name='image_id' type='hidden' value='209' />
<input name='is_gallery' type='hidden' value='N' />
<input name='language' type='hidden' value='1' />
<div class='item_img'>
<img src=' images/square_thumbnails_75x75/209.jpg'/>
</div> <!-- end div item_img -->
<div class='item_description'>
<h3> title </h3>
<h4> some description...</h4>
</div> <!-- end div item_description -->
<div class='item_buttons' parameters='&album_id=27&image_id=209&is_gallery=N&language=1&originator=/list_images3.php'>
<a href='/actions_dispatch2.php' action='modify_image' title='Modify' rel='#overlay'>
<input name='modify_image' type='submit' value='modify' class='button' />
</div> <!-- end div item_buttons -->
</div> <!-- end div item_details (for content to modify)-->
<div id='item_208' class='item_details' >
<!-- ...and it keeps going with another image... -->
I also have a jQuery function that should retrieve some parameters to pass to action_dispatch2.php:
$(function() {
// if the function argument is given to overlay,
// it is assumed to be the onBeforeLoad event listener
onBeforeLoad: function() {
// grab wrapper element inside content
var wrap = this.getContent().find(".contentWrap");
// get page to load and action from href attribute in link
var page_to_load = this.getTrigger().attr("href");
var action = this.getTrigger().attr("action");
//get parameters from field parameters in parent div (item_buttons)
var parameters = this.getTrigger().parent().attr("parameters");
// load the page specified in the trigger
wrap.load(page_to_load + "?action=" + action + parameters);
Well i'm able to retrieve the href and action attributes, but can't retrieve parameters, which is in the parent()div. the variable parameters gets 'undefined' The strange thing is that I have another page, very similar (that one shows a list of albums), where i am able to retrieve that parameter ok!
I don't know what the problem could be! can you point me in the right direction? I have firebug installed but don't know exactly how to use it to track that variable, if possible..
thanks, patrick