EDIT AGAIN: the solution was probably different from my original question. Thanks everyone very much your great ideas. I wish I could vote for more than one answer.
EDIT: I am populating a Jquery table plugin from datatables/.net and it requires the data (Json) to be in a certain format like this;
"sEcho": 1,
"iTotalRecords": 57,
"iTotalDisplayRecords": 57,
"aaData": [
"Firefox 1.0",
"Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"Firefox 1.5",
"Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
I am recieving data from a service that is returning a collection of object. I would like one method which I can pass these collections into and it will return the appropriate string
thanks END EDIT I would like to build a method that can receive and object that we build and will return an array List each containing the value of each object passed in. For example;
I have a collection of 'Car' objects
What I would like to do is
public object[] Something<T>(_cars)
object[] objArray = new object[_cars.Count];
foreach(Car _car in _cars ){
IList objList = new List<string>;
//etc etc
objArray[i] = objList;//i'll have to use a for loop to get the i counter but you get my idea
return objArray
my problem is how can I access the properties of the object without knowing what type of object it is?
thanks for any help