There's only small differences between arrays and pointers so I'd opt for:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main (void) {
int i;
char *funcNames[]= {"VString","VChar","VArray","VData"};
// This is the code that dupicates your strings by allocating an array,
// then allocating each string within that array (and copying).
// Note we use strlen, not strlen+1 to mallocsince we're replacing the
// 'V' at the start with the zero byte at the end. Also we strcpy
// from char offset 1, not 0 (to skip the fist char).
char **newNames = malloc (sizeof(char*) * sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames));
assert (newNames != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++) {
newNames[i] = malloc (strlen (funcNames[i]));
assert (newNames[i] != NULL);
strcpy (newNames[i], funcNames[i] + 1);
/* Use your newNames here */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++) {
printf ("funcNames[%d] @%08x = '%s'\n", i, funcNames[i], funcNames[i]);
printf (" newNames[%d] @%08x = '%s'\n", i, newNames[i], newNames[i]);
putchar ('\n');
// Finished using them.
// Free the strings themselves, then free the array.
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++)
free (newNames[i]);
free (newNames);
return 0;
You can see from the output that the locations of the variables in memory are different and that the content of the new strings is what you wanted:
funcNames[0] @00402000 = 'VString'
newNames[0] @006601c0 = 'String'
funcNames[1] @00402008 = 'VChar'
newNames[1] @006601d0 = 'Char'
funcNames[2] @0040200e = 'VArray'
newNames[2] @006601e0 = 'Array'
funcNames[3] @00402015 = 'VData'
newNames[3] @006601f0 = 'Data'