I have a collision resolution method in my physics engine, that goes like this:
Vector2 n1pos = n1.NonLinearSpace != null ? n1.NonLinearPosition : n1.Position;
Vector2 n2pos = n2.NonLinearSpace != null ? n2.NonLinearPosition : n2.Position;
Vector2 posDiff = n2pos - n1pos;
Vector2 posDiffNormal = posDiff;
float totalRadius = n1.Radius + n2.Radius;
float posDiffLength = posDiff.Length();
float interPenetration = totalRadius - posDiffLength;
float averageRestitution = (n1.RestitutionCoefficient + n2.RestitutionCoefficient) / 2;
Vector2 forceAmount = Vector2.Multiply(posDiffNormal, interPenetration);
Vector2 n1force =
(n1.Velocity * n1.Mass) +
(n2.Velocity * n2.Mass) +
n2.Mass * averageRestitution * (n2.Velocity - n1.Velocity)
) /
(n1.Mass + n2.Mass);
Vector2 n2force =
(n1.Velocity * n1.Mass) +
(n2.Velocity * n2.Mass) +
n1.Mass * averageRestitution * (n2.Velocity - n1.Velocity)
) /
(n1.Mass + n2.Mass);
if (!n1.IsStatic)
n1.Position += ???;
if (!n2.IsStatic)
n2.Position += ???;
Now, i can't figure out what to apply to the bodies in my engine in order to get proper coefficient of restitution working. (the ??? parts). Can someone help?