How to prevent the connection to the oracle server being gets lost if it is kept for some ideal time
If you use the newest JDBC spec 4.0 there is a isValid()
method available for a connection that allows you to check if the connection is usable, if not then get a new (reconnect) connection and execute your SQL.
2009-11-05 16:05:19
Your answer is appreciable but I am not using JDBC. I want to do it in C
Sachin Chourasiya
2009-11-12 07:15:33
One possible way that I knew to save the database connection from being getting lost is to send a dummy query after the threshhold time, By Threash hold I mean the time after which the connection to the database is expected to become idle or get lost.
Some thing like
if(Current_time - Last_Ping_time > Ping_time_to_DB)
--send a dummy query like
select 1 from dual;
Sachin Chourasiya
2009-11-12 05:51:44