File.VBS file should be copied from IIS6.0(File.VBS file will be deployed in IIS along the ASP.NET3.5 application) server to Client “TEMP” folder with out opening the file download dialog box.
File.VBS file should be copied from IIS6.0(File.VBS file will be deployed in IIS along the ASP.NET3.5 application) server to Client “TEMP” folder with out opening the file download dialog box.
As indicated in the comment by Cheeso,
This would constitute a very dangerous security hole!
Although brief on this topic, the RFC 2616 is none the less explicit on this point, in particular with regards to the User Agent's (read the "Web Browser") duties in that regard.
The receiving user agent SHOULD NOT respect any directory path information present in the filename-parm parameter, which is the only parameter believed to apply to HTTP implementations at this time. The filename SHOULD be treated as a terminal component only. If this header is used in a response with the application/octet- stream content-type, the implied suggestion is that the user agent should not display the response, but directly enter a `save response as...' dialog.