I have an old server (Solaris 8) running Informix Dynamic Server 2000 Version 9.21.UC4, and I want to get ODBC enabled so that I can get to the data from elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find documentation online about how to do this on the server. I am able to use dbaccess on the server to get to the data just fine, but when I look through the service listing I don't see anything enabled for IDS...
Thoughts? Direction?
Thank you!
Additional thoughts:
- My server's host name is "r3tmmtx"
- The informix internal server name seems to be "cms_ol"
My sqlhosts file:
demo_on onipcshm on_hostname on_servername
demo_se seipcpip se_hostname sqlexec
cms_ol onipcshm r3tmmtx cms_ol
oacms_ol onipcstr r3tmmtx oacms_ol
My environment variables with "INFORMIX" in them: