



Suppose a company is going to hire JavaScript coders. I wonder what question should this company use to properly evaluate them. Even though general programming skills are more important than technology-specifics, they need to be tested on what they are going to work with.

How would you do that? How would you test if they have the proper knowledge?

+7  A: 

I would highly suggest questions on debugging code and dealing with "typeless" objects. Also other good questions would hint at the different interpretations of the code amongst browser. You can ask definition questions as filler, however they don't really give a good measure on how good the developer is.

Another good question to ask is scenario based questions. These tend to throw off people with a shallow understanding of a subject on certification exams.

I've had interview questions about requesting files from the client side. I strong disapprove of this type of question, since it is questionable on the users side.

As far as frameworks go... I really don't think detailed questions are necessary unless it is in their job title (i.e. Senior JQuery Developer). As long as the developer knows how to formally develop/design with Javascript then he can learn a framework relatively quickly and produce good to excellent results.

@steven - Thank you for cleaning up my answer. :)
James Black
+3  A: 

It could be revealing to find out what their favorite JavaScript framework (jQuery, Prototype, etc.) is and, more importantly, why.

Michael E
+9  A: 

If you are looking for some advanced developers then asking them questions that would lead to understanding how they use closures would be helpful.

For example, if you have a for loop and you want to print out the value in a setTimeout, to an alert, how would you do it?

UPDATE: I was thinking about javascript, and WebWorkers and how to use canvas in cross-browser situations is nice, but probably not used much. I think one of the most important things would be to see how they deal with cross-browser issues. For example, how do you use Array.filter cross-browser, since IE doesn't include this function?

This would check on how they determine if a function is supported.

You could also ask how to get the target element if:

var elem = document.createElement('a');
a.onclick = function(e) {
// how to display the href of this element clicked on

This would show that they have some understanding on how different browsers handle something so fundamental.

jQuery abstracts this out, but there will be times when you have to do something similar and you can't depend on the library to do everything for you, so you should have some understanding of this issue.

James Black
+1 Understanding closures should be priority-one... Anyone can code a few line of jquery animations. But not many can comprehend the structure of a big JS projects.
I just recently understood how to use them, and since then I have found so many places to use them, as I never thought about returning a function that returns a function.
James Black
+79  A: 


  • Do you use any libraries? If so which ones and why do you like them?
  • Have you written any libraries yourself, such as DOM helpers?
  • Do you use any server-side Javascript frameworks?
  • What's the difference between ECMAScript and Javascript?
  • Do you use any Javascript code validators?
  • Which Javascript books have you read/recommend?
  • Do you unit test your Javascript?

(Beginner/Medium) specific questions:

  • Why does nearly every object have a toString method?
  • Do you know which interpreter Mozilla Firefox uses? Or any other of the browsers?
  • Does Javascript support lambda functions?
  • What's the most useful Javascript function you've created/use?
  • Is there block scope in Javascript?
  • Can you explain how Ajax/XMLHttpRequest works?
  • Does Javascript support classical inheritance?
  • Can you give me a code snippet that uses the with statement?
  • Do you know what Greasemonkey is? Have you used it?
  • Do you think innerHTML is evil?
  • What is JSON?

Advanced questions:

  • Can you give me an example of a generator?
  • How does JSONP work?
  • An example of a singleton pattern?
  • What's the difference between undefined and undeclared?
  • Have you done any animation using Raphael or the canvas element?
  • Are you familiar with Web Workers?
  • Do you do any profiling? What tools do you use?
  • Have you read the new ECMAScript specification? What new features are in there?

People questions:

  • Who initially wrote ECMAScript? Do you know where he works and his title?
  • What's the name of that guy who wrote jQuery?
  • Who wrote JS Lint?

Cross-Browser/DOM API questions:

  • The standard addEventListener is supported in which browsers?
  • Which browsers incorrectly implemented getElementByID such that they also return elements whose name attribute is the id?

Code snippet questions:


<a href="#">text</a><br><a href="#">link</a>
var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for ( var i = as.length; i--; ) {
    as[i].onclick = function() {
        return false;

Why do the anchors, when clicked on, alert -1 instead of their respective counter inside of the loop? How can you fix the code so that it does alert the right number? ( Hint: closures )


function User(name) { = name;

var j = User('Jack');

Why would this code not work as expected? Is anything missing?


Object.prototype.jack = {};

var a = [1,2,3];

for ( var number in a ) {
    alert( number )

I'm iterating through this array I defined, it has 3 elements in it.. the numbers 1 2 and 3.. Why on earth is jack showing up?


people = {

for ( var person in people ) {
    alert( person )

Why is this not working in IE?


(function() {
    var jack = 'Jack';
alert(typeof jack)

Why does it alert undefined when I declared the jack variable to be 'Jack'?


<script src="file.js">alert(2);</script>

Why isnt it alerting 2?


array = [1,2]; alert( typeof array )

Why does it say object and not array? How would I detect if its an array?


<a id="clickme">click me!</a>
var a = document.getElementById('clickme');
a.onclick = function() {
    setTimeout( function() {
    alert( this.innerHTML );
    }, 1000);

Why does the second alert say undefined?


<p id="test">original</p>
var test = document.getElementById('test');
test.innerHTML.replace('original', 'FOOBAR');

How come it doesnt replace the text with FOOBAR??


function identity() {
    var name = 'Jack';
var who = identity();

Why does it first alert Jack, then undefined?


var number = '08',
    parsed = parseInt(number);


The alert should give me 8.. why doesn't it give me 8?


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if ( xhr.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xhr.status == 200 ) {
        alert( xhr.responseText )
    } else {
        document.body.innerHTML = "ERROR";

How come I cant retrieve Google's homepage text with XHR from my localhost?


var ticket = true;

if (!ticket)
    alert('you need a ticket');
    alert('please purchase a ticket.')


ticket is set to true. Why is it alerting that I need to purchase one?


var blogEntry = 'today i woke up
    to the smell of fresh coffee';


How come it doesnt alert with the blog entry? Everything seems right.


alert( [typeof 'hi' === 'string', typeof new String('hi') === 'string' ]  )

I have two strings, but the second evaluation doesnt become true. Is this a potential bug ? How come it's not true?

Best practices:

<a href="#" onclick="'about.html');">about</a>

Would you change anything in the prior code example? Why?

<a href="site.html" onmouseover="changeImages('button1', 'images/button1over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('button1', 'images/button1.png'); return true;">site</a>

Would you change anything in this example? Why?

I don't agree with the comment on the blogs. That seems to be something that they could have recently found or found on google the night before the interview. Being able to state previous conflicts with the blog and others or to state where top blogger (Joel *cough* :P) was wrong [and why] would be more relevant.
+1 - For a nice list. Your advanced list is quite tough, now I need to look up Raphael, as I do use the canvas. I disagree on whether they have used Greasemonkey scripts though.
James Black
does anyone implement the new ecmascript yet?
i guess i will fail many of your questions and have been doing javascript for 6+ years lol
I'd emphasize scope. For example, I'd ask what kind of mistakes people new to JavaScript make as a result of assuming it has block scope. As for your list, it's a good one. I'd probably score an A, but not a 100%.
Since you left out a couple semicolons, I suppose you could ask about whether semicolons are required or not and if that can ever cause problems.
Directly suggesting questions on here is dangerious. Granted using this site is a good sign of a developer, but once it gets index on google, these questions will give the interviewee prior notice and skew the results.
These are an interesting set of questions -- I don't agree with the mindset that sees answers only in a "pass/fail" continuum -- asking about blogs, books etc., is querying interest and passion.
Michael Paulukonis
feel free to add the stuff from my latest answer - i think it's important to know these subtle things abt javascript as, if you dont, it can really bite you
@meder: I would vote you up again if I could. This was supposed to be a "subjective" question but I have no choice but to mark yours as the answer :)
typo in question 7 (a vs array).
Too much useless questions
@steven - I don't think it's dangerous at all. Even if the company lets the interviewee have time to do this at home or give them access to help them with the questions it wouldn't be that easy finding answers.
@silent - The questions tend not to be useless, it is just that many of these are not used, but if they were it would make code better.
James Black
@Claudiu - Firefox is implementing Javascript 2, I believe they are up to 1.9 or so currently. It is interesting writing code for that and having code work for IE7+ also. :)
James Black
@meder - I agree with you that to find the answers to some of these, the candidate would still need a fairly significant amount of js knowledge to figure out. Several were obvious right away, others I figured out after typing it into a dummy page and rereading it. The first one had me going for a bit, and I've worked with closures a fair amount. Took me 20 minutes of "wtf" time before I had the "oh, duh" moment.
Joel Etherton
+2  A: 

Other answers here are good. I would also recommend some general programming exercise using JavaScript, for example doing a FizzBuzz implementation. JavaScript is mostly about wring code that runs in the browser, but being able to translate an algorithm into code is an important skill for any working programmer.

Daniel Pryden
I don't agree with this. The algorithms are typically run on the server end. The javascript is able making the presentation of the information (view) useful.
@steven: The business logic will typically run on the server side, true. But UI code can use algorithms too. If you treat JavaScript as somehow less than "real" code, then you will get lower quality code.
Daniel Pryden
+1  A: 


  • How can you call .toString() on an Object that doesn't have a toString() method defined?
  • What happens when you call a function using "new"?


What will this code print?

function Point() { 
    this.x = 20;
    this.getX = function() { return this.x; }
var a = new Point();
var f = a.getX;


What does this code do? Anything unexpected? (Assuming print is a function that prints)

function print20to30() {
    for (x=20; x <= 30; x++) {

function print1to10() {
    for (x=1; x <= 10; x++) {
`print()` is the same as `window.print()`
Justin Johnson
true, but i meant that it does something like printf()
+2  A: 

Meder has some good points. Here are a few more

  • How do you create static variables inside a function
  • What is the scope chain
  • Given a class name as a string, how do you instantiate an object from it
  • What are closuers and how do they interact with the scope
  • What is currying and how do you do so in JavaScript
  • What are anonymous/lambda functions
  • What is a "live" container?
  • What's the importance of the var keyword
  • How do you debug your JavaScript

What's wrong with the following code?

var allDivs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');

for ( var i = 0; i<allDivs.length; i++ ) {

Answer: infinite loop due to the fact that getElementsByTagName (and the like) returns an HTMLCollection, which is a "live" set or container, meaning that every time you add a div to the document, it gets added to allDivs.

Justin Johnson
+1  A: 

something to do a quick sniff test on security precautions and uses (completely and total contrived example.

var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf("#")>=0) {
  var uri = window.location.href.split("#")[1];
  var elem = eval('document.getElementById("'+uri+'");');