I've got four unsigned 32-bit integers representing an unsigned 128-bit integer, in little endian order:
typedef struct {
unsigned int part[4];
} bigint_t;
I'd like to convert this number into its decimal string representation and output it to a file.
Right now, I'm using a bigint_divmod10
function to divide the number by 10, keeping track of the remainder. I call this function repeatedly, outputting the remainder as a digit, until the number is zero. It's pretty slow. Is this the fastest way to do it? If so, is there a clever way to implement this function that I'm not seeing? I've tried looking at GMP's get_str.c
, but I find it pretty impenetrable.
EDIT: here's the fastest code I was able to come up with for the divmod10 function:
static unsigned uint128_divmod10(uint128 *value)
unsigned int a = value->word[3];
unsigned int b = value->word[2];
unsigned int c = value->word[1];
unsigned int d = value->word[0];
unsigned int diva = a / 5;
unsigned int divb = b / 5;
unsigned int divc = c / 5;
unsigned int divd = d / 5;
value->word[3] = diva;
value->word[2] = divb;
value->word[1] = divc;
value->word[0] = divd;
unsigned int moda = a - diva*5;
unsigned int modb = b - divb*5;
unsigned int modc = c - divc*5;
unsigned int modd = d - divd*5;
unsigned int mod = 0;
mod += moda;
unsigned int carryb = mod*858993459;
mod += modb;
if (mod >= 5) {
mod -= 5;
unsigned int carryc = mod*858993459;
mod += modc;
if (mod >= 5) {
mod -= 5;
unsigned int carryd = mod*858993459;
mod += modd;
if (mod >= 5) {
mod -= 5;
uint128_add(value, carryd, 0);
uint128_add(value, carryc, 1);
uint128_add(value, carryb, 2);
if (value->word[0] & 1) {
mod += 5;
uint128_shift(value, -1);
return mod;
where the add function is defined as:
static void uint128_add(uint128 *value, unsigned int k, unsigned int pos)
unsigned int a = value->word[pos];
value->word[pos] += k;
if (value->word[pos] < a) {
// overflow
for (int i=pos+1; i<4; i++) {
if (value->word[i]) {