



I have a checkboxList with some 50 values. but I want only 5 to be displayed and navigate others using scroll bar.

I tried using

<asp:CheckBoxList CheckBoxes="true" Width="250px" Height="120px"  RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Vertical" RepeatLayout="Flow" 
                            runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple" />

But its not coming proper.. Its coming like

[] Value1 [] value2 []val 
ue3 [] value4 .....

I want it to be

[] Value1
[] Value2 ...

You need to change the line Width="250px" Height="120px", to make it not so wide, then the CheckBoxes will get line-by-line, depends of the width that you've choosed. ;)

Nathan Campos
i want each checkbox to come in seperate line
Check my edit ;)
Nathan Campos

You would want to set the RepeatColumns to 0, as that will cause it to use the veritcal align property instead of tiling them horizontally.

If you would like to have them display only 5 visibily and a scroll bar to handle anything past that, you will need to set the height so that it only shows the initial 5, and then add:

overflow: auto;

To the checklistbox so that it forces anything outside of the bounding of the control to scroll. Keep in mind, the control will also need to be a block element and not inline.

+1  A: 

Some how I think you just need a fixed-sized container for the checkboxlist, set its overflow style to scroll:

<div style="width:250px; height:120px; overflow:scroll;">
  <asp:CheckBoxList CheckBoxes="true" Width="250px" RepeatColumns="1" 
    RepeatDirection="Vertical" RepeatLayout="Flow" 
    runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
thanks man it worked
@harshit: Welcomed :)