From VBA, the easiest data-access library to use is ADO. Add a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library" so that you can use the ADODB.* objects.
To execute a stored proc (which in your case will add a record to a table), you could do it:
...the lazy way (creating SQL statements directly, without using Parameter objects; this is prone to SQL-injection hacks):
Public Sub AddFoo _
( _
strServer As String, _
strDatabase As String, _
strUsername As String, _
strPassword As String, _
lFooValue As Long _
' Build the connection string
Dim strConnectionString As String
strConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server}" _
& ";Server=" & strServer _
& ";Database=" & strDatabase _
& ";UID=" & strUsername _
& ";PWD=" & strPassword
' Create & open the connection
Dim oConnection As Connection
Set oConnection = New Connection
oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString
' Build the SQL to execute the stored procedure
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "EXEC AddFoo " & lFooValue
' Call the stored procedure
Dim oCommand As Command
Set oCommand = New Command
oCommand.CommandType = adCmdText
oCommand.CommandText = strSQL
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection
End Sub
...or the correct way (which deals with encoding of all parameters, and is thus not prone to SQL-injection hacks - either deliberate or accidental):
Public Sub AddFoo _
( _
strServer As String, _
strDatabase As String, _
strUsername As String, _
strPassword As String, _
lFooValue As Long _
' Build the connection string
Dim strConnectionString As String
strConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server}" _
& ";Server=" & strServer _
& ";Database=" & strDatabase _
& ";UID=" & strUsername _
& ";PWD=" & strPassword
' Create & open the connection
Dim oConnection As Connection
Set oConnection = New Connection
oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString
' Build the SQL to execute the stored procedure
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "EXEC AddFoo " & lFooValue
' Create the command object
Dim oCommand As Command
Set oCommand = New Command
oCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
oCommand.CommandText = "AddFoo"
' Create the parameter
Dim oParameter As Parameter
Set oParameter = oCommand.CreateParameter("foo", adParamInteger, adParamInput)
oParameter.Value = lFooValue
oCommand.Parameters.Add oParameter
' Execute the command
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection
End Sub