#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::setprecision;
using std::fixed;
//function prototypes
void getInput(string &, double) ;
void calcFedTaxes ( double , double, double &, double &);
void calcnetPay ( double &, double , double, double);
void displayInfo(string, double, double, double);
int main()
//declare constants and variables
const double FWT_RATE = .2;
const double FICA_RATE = .08;
string dname = "";
double dsalary = 0.0;
double dfwtTax = 0.0;
double dficaTax = 0.0;
double dnetPay = 0.0;
//display output in fixed-point notation with two decimal places
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
//call function to get input and calculate salary and taxes
void getInput (string dname, double dsalary, double dnetPay);
void calcFedTaxes(double Fsalary, double FwtRate, double FicaRate,
double & withholdingTax, double & incomeTax);
void calcnetPay(double & netPay, double weeklySalary, double fwtTax,
double ficaTax);
void displayInfo (string dname, double dfwtTax, double dficaTax,
double dnetPay);
system ("pause");
} //end call function
//*****function definitions*****
void getInput(string iname, double isalary)
//enter input items
cout << "Enter name: ";
cin >> iname;
cout << "weekly salary: ";
cin >> isalary;
void calcFedTaxes (double Fsalary, double FwtRate, double FicaRate,
double & withholdingTax, double & incomeTax)
withholdingTax = Fsalary * FwtRate;
incomeTax = Fsalary * FicaRate;
void calcnetPay (double & netPay, double weeklySalary, double fwtTax,
double ficaTax)
netPay = weeklySalary - fwtTax - ficaTax;
void displayInfo(string dname, double dfwtTax, double dficaTax,
double dnetPay)
cout << "name: " << dname;
cout << "With holding Tax: " << dfwtTax;
cout << "With holding Fica: "<<dficaTax;
cout << "Net pay: " <<dnetPay;
cin>> dnetPay;
//end of displayInfo function