



Heres mine problem

If cell H of worksheet A = cell E of worksheet B (contain words) and If cell J of worksheet A = Cell H of worksheet B (contain numbers) and If cell K of worksheet A = cell I of worksheet B (contain numbers)

then copy cell O of worksheet A to cell L of worksheet B (contain numbers)

(put in other words if H2, J2, K2 of worksheet A = E1, H1, I1 of worksheet B then copy O2 of worksheet A to L1 of worksheetB)

if H3, J3, K3 of worksheet A = E5, H5, I5 of worksheet B then copy O3 of worksheet A to L5 of worksheetB)

the macro is match and copy for the whole worksheet of A and B Data from worksheet A is only to be used once

Heres is what i have.. but it doesnt seems to work.. help pls

Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet

Dim j As Long, i As Long, lastrow As Long

Set sh1 = Worksheets("Worksheet A")

Set sh2 = Worksheets("Worksheet B")

lastrow = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

For i = 2 To lastrow

   j = (i - 2) * 4 + 1

   If sh1.Cells(i, "H").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "E").Value And _

      sh1.Cells(i, "J").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "H").Value And _

      sh1.Cells(i, "K").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "I").Value Then

      sh1.Cells(i, "O").Copy sh2.Cells(j, "L")
   End If
   j = j + 4

+1  A: 

Update You need two loops for what you want to do. This new subroutine works for any row. Just be careful of multiple matches because it will take only the last match:

Sub CopyCells()
    Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet
    Dim j As Long, i As Long, lastrow1 As Long, lastrow2 As Long
    Set sh1 = Worksheets("Worksheet A")
    Set sh2 = Worksheets("Worksheet B")

    lastrow1 = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    lastrow2 = sh2.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    For i = 2 To lastrow1
        For j = 1 To lastrow2
            If sh1.Cells(i, "H").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "E").Value And _
                sh1.Cells(i, "J").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "H").Value And _
                sh1.Cells(i, "K").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "I").Value Then
                sh1.Cells(i, "L").Value = sh2.Cells(j, "O").Value
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub
Chris Latta
Try this complete subroutine. Tested and works for me for your given problem description.
Chris Latta
The file is just that subroutine and two worksheets with values in the appropriate cells so it should just work for you. Maybe there is a flaw in your logic or assumptions about your data? Are the corresponding rows in Worksheet B really on rows 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, etc?
Chris Latta
oic i thats the problem.. there is no corresponding rows in Worksheet B (sry im new to this..)how could i change it in such a way that each row of worksheet A will match with any row in worksheet B?
Okay, you need two loops to match any row for Worksheet A against any row of Worksheet B. Updated answer with new subroutine demonstrating this.
Chris Latta
thanks finally worked the way i want it :)