In this case, I can see that it works, but I am not sure what the logic is? And I am not sure I can create my own bit operations like this from scratch. How do I start thinking in bits?
People have answered your first question -- explaining the logic. I shall hopefully show you a terribly basic, long-winded but standard method of making any bit twiddling operations. (note, once you get used to working with bits you'll start thinking in & and | straight off without doing such nonsense).
- Figure out what you'd like your operation to do.
- Write out a FULL truth table.
- Either read the sum-of-products direct from the table or make a Karnaugh map. The km will reduce the final eqution a lot.
- ???
- Profit
Deriving for the example you gave. ie, where a mask selects bits from A or B. (0 is A, 1 is B)
This table is for 1 bit per input. I'm not doing more than one bit, as I don't want to waste my time :) ( why? 2^(2bits * 3inputs) = 64 cases :( 2^(3bits * 3inputs) = 512 cases :(()
But the good news is that in this case the operation is independant of the number of bits, so a 1 bit example is 100% fine. Infact it's recommended by me :)
| A | B | M || R |
| 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 1 || 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 0 || 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 1 || 1 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 || 1 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 || 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 0 || 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 || 1 |
Hopefully you can see how this truth table works.
how to get an expression from this? Two methods: KMaps and by-hand. Let's do it by-hand first, should we? :)
Looking at the points where R is true, we see:
| A | B | M || R |
| 0 | 1 | 1 || 1 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 || 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 0 || 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 || 1 |
From this we can dervive an expresion:
R = (~A & B & M) |
( A & ~B & ~M) |
( A & B & ~M) |
( A & B & M) |
Hopefully you can see how this works: just or together the full expressions seen in each case. By full I imply that you need to not-variables i nthere.
Let's try it in python:
a = 0xAE #10101110b
b = 0x64 #01100011b
m = 0xF0 #11110000b
r = (~a & b & m) | ( a & ~b & ~m) | ( a & b & ~m) | ( a & b & m)
print hex(r)
These numbers are from Abel's example. The output is 0x6E
, which is 01101110b
So it worked! Hurrah. (ps, it's possible to derive an expression for ~r from the first table, should you wish to do so. Just take the cases where r is 0).
This expression you've made is a boolean "sum of products", aka Disjunctive Normal Form, although DNF is really the term used when using first-order predicate logic. This expression is also pretty unweidly. Making it smaller is a tedious thing to do on paper, and is the kind of thing you'll do 500,000 times at Uni' on a CS degree if you take the compiler or hardware courses. (Highly recommended :))
So let's do some boolean algebra magic on this (don't try and follow this, it's a waste of time):
(~a & b & m) | ( a & ~b & ~m) | ( a & b & ~m) | ( a & b & m)
|= ((~a & b & m) | ( a & ~b & ~m)) | ( a & b & ~m) | ( a & b & m)
take that first sub-clause that I made:
((~a & b & m) | ( a & ~b & ~m))
|= (~a | (a & ~b & ~m)) & (b | ( a & ~b & ~m)) & (m | ( a & ~b & ~m))
|= ((~a | a) & (a | ~b) &( a | ~m)) & (b | ( a & ~b & ~m)) & (m | ( a & ~b & ~m))
|= (T & (a | ~b) &( a | ~m)) & (b | ( a & ~b & ~m)) & (m | ( a & ~b & ~m))
|= ((a | ~b) & (a | ~m)) & (b | ( a & ~b & ~m)) & (m | ( a & ~b & ~m))
etc etc etc. This is the massively tedious bit incase you didn't guess. So just whack the expression in a website of your choice, which will tell you
r = (a & ~m) | (b & m)
Hurrah! Correct result. Note, it might even go so far as giving you an expression involving XORs, but who cares? Actually, some people do, as the expression with and
s and or
s is 4 operations (1 or
, 2 and
, 1 neg
), whilst r = a ^ ((a ^ b) & mask)
is 3 (2 xor
, 1 and
Now, how do you do it with kmaps? Well, first you need to know how to make them, I'll leave you to do that. :) Just google for it. There's software available, but I think it's best to do it by hand -- it's more fun and the programs don't allow you to cheat.
Cheat? Well, if you have lots of inputs, it's often best to reduce the table like so:
| A | B | M || R |
| X | X | 0 || A |
| X | X | 1 || B |
eg that 64 case table?
| A1| A0| B1| B0| M1| M0|| R1| R0|
| X | X | X | X | 0 | 0 || A1| A0|
| X | X | X | X | 0 | 1 || A1| B0|
| X | X | X | X | 1 | 0 || B1| A0|
| X | X | X | X | 1 | 1 || B1| B0|
Boils down to 4 cases in this example :)
(Where X is "don't care".) Then put that table in your Kmap. Once again, an exercise for you to work out [ie, I've forgotten how to do this].
Hopefully you can now derive your own boolean madness, given a set of inputs and an expected set of outputs.
Have fun.