



In one of my classes for a web application I am developing, I have some reasonably long SQL queries.

When developing a three-tier application, what are the best practices to make this kind of code neater?

Dim dc As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Choices VALUES ('" + _
                                 SanitizeInput(strUser) + "', '" + _
                                 SanitizeInput(strFirstHalfDay) + "', '" + _
                                 SanitizeInput(strSecondHalfDay) + "', '" + _
                                 SanitizeInput(strFullDay) + "', " + _
                                 SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(firstHalfPaid).ToString()) + ", " + _
                                 SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(secondHalfPaid).ToString()) + ", " + _
                                 SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(fullPaid).ToString()) + ")", cn)

Do you consider this kind of code to be acceptable or stinky?

+30  A: 

STOP, don't do that, use prepared staments, you'll get security and readability.

Use this instead:

Dim dc As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Choices VALUES (@User, @FirstHalfDay, @SecondHalfDay, @FullDay, @FirstHalfPaid, @SecondHalfPaid, @FullPaid'", cn)
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("User", strUser))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("FirstHalfDay", strFirstHalfDay))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("SecondHalfDay", strSecondHalfDay))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("FullDay", strFullDay))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("FirstHalfPaid", firstHalfPaid))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("SecondHalfPaid", secondHalfPaid))
dc.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter ("FullPaid", fullPaid))
Thanks a lot. Will this prevent SQL Injection and XSS?
This will prevent SQL Injection but no XSS, so your sanitize function should look for XSS but not for SQL injection.
Missing matching close )s
Thanks again. I have a lot of work to do :(. ;)
Alrready fixed missing ), thanks. And you're welcome RogerB =)
You should not be doing XSS at the persistence level. Sanitize for XSS if you need, but do it somewhere else from where you sanitize for SQL injection.
You can also do:dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("SecondHalfDay", strSecondHalfDay)
+1  A: 

Stinky - that SanitizeInput is almost certainly vulnerable to SQL injection.

I would use a parameterized SP (code generated from the DB schema, possibly tweaked by hand afterwards), with a .NET wrapper (also generated from the DB schema).

Cade Roux
The SanitizeInput function I've created prevents SQL Injection and XSS.
Awesome, post the code.
Cade Roux
You should never trust yourself with SQL Injection sanitazing
Well basically, I just used the String.Replace("'", "") method to make sure the attacker couldn't break the string. Then I just used the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode function to protect against XSS. The inputs are well validated against to ensure the string was being supplied with correct input.
Unfortunately, that's not guaranteed to prevent all injection attacks, whereas parameterization (and no dynamic SQL generation in the SP) automatically eliminates all injection attacks and provides a number of application lifecycle benefits (permissions, design by contract, etc.)
Cade Roux
@Cade, while you are very correct in that @RodgerB's solution is still immensely vulnerable, you should take into account that using SP's (while highly recommended) is still not a silver bullet, and there still situations wherein SPs are still vulnerable to SQLi.
@AviD SPs are vulnerable only if they themselves do dynamic SQL. Even basic things like column LIKE @param1 + '%' are not vulnerable to injection in SPs or parameterized queries as they are in inline SQL generation.
Cade Roux

Direct rewrite of that in C# would be:

SqlCommand dc = new SqlCommand(String.Format(@"
    INSERT INTO Choices VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, {4}, {5})
", SanitizeInput(strUser), SanitizeInput(strFirstHalfDay), SanitizeInput(strFullDay), SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(firstHalfPaid).ToString()), SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(secondHalfPaid).ToString()), SanitizeInput(Convert.ToInt32(fullPaid).ToString())), cn);

I use string.format a lot instead of string concatenation. It improves readability as well. I'm not familiar with VB, sorry.

I agree that using parameters is a better solution.

Brian Kim
That's a potential risk with sql injection

You could use a 3rd party data abstraction like Hibernate (on Java -- I don't know what's available for .NET).

Or you could write your own helper classes that allow syntax like:

Dim insHelper As New InsertionHelper(conn, "Choices");

insHelper.appendValue(firstHalfPaid); // overloaded for different data types


You could even add method chaining to the mix:

Dim insHelperAs New InsertionHelper(conn, "Choices");

Ates Goral
Hibernate for Java --> NHibernate for .NET.

This approach is fine for a small project, however for anything of significant size you should consider either a 3rd party library for constructing your queries or developing your own.

The general pattern I use goes something like this: (I'm using Java syntax because that's what i am most used to.)

Query Template Properties File

some.query=INSERT INTO Choices VALUES ( '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}' )

Framework Code

public class SqlUtil {

    static Properties queries;
    static {
     queries = <LOAD QUERY PROPS>

    public static SqlCommand createCommand(String propName, Object params ... ) 
     throws SqlException
     String cmd = queries.getString(propName)

     if ( propName == null || "".equals(propName) )
      throw new SqlException("Query not found");

     int i=0;
     for ( Object param : params ) {
      cmd = cmd.replace("{" + i + "}", param)

     return new SqlCommand(cmd);


Usage Code:

SqlCommand dc = SqlUtil.createCommand("some.query", SanitizeInput(strUser), SanitizeInput(strFirstHalfDay) )
Declan Shanaghy
+4  A: 

I would consider this to be more readable and safer i.e. less prone to SQL Injection:

Dim dc As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Choices VALUES (@UserName, @FirstHalfDay, @SecondHalfDay, @FullDay, @FirstHalfPaid, @SecondHalfPaid, @FullPaid)", cn)

dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", strUsername)
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstHalfDay", strFirstHalfDay)
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SecondHalfDay", strSecondHalfDay)
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullDay", strFullDay)
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstHalfPaid", Convert.ToInt32(firstHalfPaid))
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SecondHalfPaid", Convert.ToInt32(secondHalfPaid))
dc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullPaid", Convert.ToInt32(fullPaid))

When doing this for select statements you will get the added benefit if you are using SQL Server which will be able to cache the query plan as it will be the same string just paramterised. If you are not using SQL Server slight changes might be required. You also get another benefit for free which is slightly better performance through less string concatenation.

I would personally add the columns in after the Choices table name which would be less prone to breakage when adding new columns into the database table (assuming default values).

+2  A: 

While I think your code is wonderful, I have a non-exhaustive list of potential improvements:

  • You are writing SQL instead of using a mapping technology (NHibernate, Linq to SQL, EF, SubSonic, LLBLGenPro, etc.)
  • Granted that you are writing SQL, you are not using parameters. At least you are correctly sanitizing the input as you do string-concatenation ... hopefully ....
  • Granted that you are writing SQL without parameters, you are not using String.Format to do your string-building and string-formatting.
  • Your variable names are messy. You are naming your variables with a bastardized Hungarian Notation convention. Hungarian Notation was originally intended to help your variable names convey how these variables are used, not to convey their types.
  • You are coding to the implementation, not the interface. Your connection variable should be typed IDbConnection and your command variable should be typed IDbCommand. Not SqlConnection and SqlCommand. Use IDbConnection.CreateCommand().
  • SanitizeInput should be renamed EscapeStringForSQL or something that indicates its actual intent. You don't need to escape numbers.

Make the SQL command a separate string before calling the constructor. It will be easier to read.

Instead of:

Dim dc As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO SomeTable....",
                         Arg( blah blah blah ) )

Do this:

Dim sqlstr =
"INSERT INTO SomeTable...."

Dim dc As New SqlCommand(sqlstr, Arg(blah blah blah))

(Forgive my not knowing the correct VB syntax)

The thing is that pouring the literal string into the SqlCommand() constructor is just cramming a lot of stuff in one big command that someone has to break apart in his or her head later on.

Also, when you want to print out the SQL you are executing while debugging, it will be much easier to throw in a simple

Print "Now executing: " + sqlstr

Don't worry that you're creating an "extra" variable. The computer doesn't mind.

Andy Lester