




I develop on Mac. I'm having trouble with my #slider div in IE 7/8.

Can you help me with the CSS? The #slider div (from what I can see on browsershots.org) fans out, rather than hiding the overflow...


Any help is appreciated.

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+1  A: 


It looks fine for me on IE8

Yea! Looks good. IE 7 is the problem, then...
Kevin Brown
Honestly I wouldn't rely on browsershots.org for testing. Most of their screenshot factories are broken, I always get pages either half-loaded or not loaded at all. And it doesn't verify that the slider works at all.
Can you check the nav? There should be a jQuery drop-down for each item.
Kevin Brown
Ah, good to know, Goat. Thanks!
Kevin Brown
Yep, the nav works.
Thanks, Blake! You've been a help!
Kevin Brown
+1  A: 

This is a known IE7 bug that kept be busy quite some time a while back.

This starts happening when you introduce position: relative to one of the elements inside of the container. This is fixed by adding position: relative; to the container itself, in your case

#slider {
  position: relative;

I started developing on a mac as well a year ago, It's a real pain when confronted with IE bugs. It helps if you setup a Remote Desktop Connection to a test PC if you have one and install IE Tester on it (mind though that IE Tester is not 100% the same thing so you should always do a final check on the real thing).

On a side note, Adobe has a really sexy browser screenshot test app at http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/browserlab/

Score. That's awesome.
Kevin Brown
Be careful with this, though, if you're only relying on browsershots.org. When I add `position: relative`, the arrows in the slider are positioned wrongly, and the border around it remains stuck to the first image, scrolling along with it. You don't see that in a screenshot.
Ahhh. Any idea how to fix the border?(I fixed the arrows, that was easy)IE is a MAJOR pain...
Kevin Brown