



Does IE8 have rendering bugs like 6 or 7? If I make my site render correctly in Firefox 3.5, will it look the same in IE8 or will additional changes / hack / etc... be needed?

I want to make my site IE8 compatible. Do I need to do something extra for that?

Update: 6 march 2010

Is there a possibility , I will have to add conditional css for IE8 or it will not needed?

+2  A: 

Edited I moved one paragraph and rewrote it based on some feedback.

If you explore you will find compatibility pages that explain the differences between various browsers, including Firefox 3.5 and IE8.

Most likely you will be making changes, but that will depend on what you are using, as there are many similarities, that won't require changes.

James Black
Whether he'll be making **any** changes really depends on his site. IE8 has gotten better comparing to previous versions; while it's still not ideal (and by far), many core things are supported reasonably well.
@ChssPly76 - If you design your site for FF3.5 then you won't be taking into account all the CSS issues, for example, of IE8. It is better, but no where near perfect, and FF3.5 is supporting newer standards better than IE8.
James Black
*insert browser e-peen fight here*
Kevin Peno
You're missing my point. For all you know OP's website may consist of 3 text paragraphs on white background or be entirely Flash-based. There's no arguing that there are things supported by FF (Safari / Opera / Chrome / ...) that are not (correctly) supported by IE8. But you don't know whether OP will make use of any of them; therefore you can't say "you will be making many changes".
@ChssPly76 - That is why I suggested the compatibility pages on quirksmode. It will help him understand what the differences are and see if they will actually impact them, but, I expect he will need to make changes. It will require some research on the part of the OP.
James Black
Fair enough, thanks for editing. +1
if my site looking good in IE7 then can i make exact look for IE8 just by adding this line in head <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
+9  A: 

All browsers have their various quirks and no browser is guaranteed to display or act the same as another. While W3C is making great strides to expand the functionality that should be standardized, many RFCs are not yet to the Recommendation stage, which is the stage that means it will no longer change and are more likely to be acceptable standards to develop on. Because of this, it is imperative that you ensure your site works in, at minimum, the browsers within your focus group

First, use reset.css. As the page describes, it does a pretty good job of resetting all elements to the standard display format. While not perfect, it gets pretty darn close in all browsers, which is more than you can say without it.

Second, check out QuirksMode to see the various browser compatability with standards (whether those standards are in recommended stage or not). This is where you can decide on the features you will use that match the compatibility with your focus group.

Third, assuming you are on windows (or have a VPC image of it), I recommend installing IE8. Also, check out IE Tester, and install the DebugBar for it (but disable it in IE8), to give you the ability to validate and debug your code in IE 5.5 through IE7. Install any other browsers that you consider in your focus group. Doing so will allow you to test, without question, the appearance on the page.

Using these tools you should be more than able to develop a design that will look 99.9% the same in any browser that supports the features you implement and validate that it is implemented correctly. While it can be a bit daunting, this will greatly reduce the chance of display/js related bug upon release.

Kevin Peno
+1 for quirksmode
+2  A: 

Yes, IE 8 still has some rendering bugs. Most of them are fixed, but I think that these for example are still there:

  • The text-align attribute is applied to block elements, not just inline elements.

  • Content of elements is still one character high even if there is no content.

Of course it also depends on what doctype you are using. Without a proper doctype the page renders in quirks mode, which pretty much throws the browser back to IE 4.

If you are using different style sheets for different browser/version combinations, you will need another one. IE 8 doesn't behave exactly as any other browser or IE version. I always use a single style sheet for all browsers, and I didn't have to make any changes at all to it to make it work for IE 8.

Why the downvote? It's pretty pointless if you don't say what it is that you don't like.
+3  A: 

Expanding on @Kevin's and @James' answers, another good resource is Browser Shots to get screen captures of your site on different browsers and platforms. Very useful for testing browsers/versions that you don't have access to, especially for tricky CSS layouts.

I've used it to view output for Mac and Linux browsers since I work in a Windows-only shop.

Note that the URL must be externally accessible; if you're developing on your local box you'll need to poke a hole through your firewall and maybe setup a dynamic DNS name instead of an IP address.

Yeah, that service can be nice, so +1. Sometimes it is just too hard to pull off a publicly accessible site. I find it easier to install the major browsers and IE Tester (gives IE5.5 - IE8 access on XP or above) on windows instead. everything else is ususally too obscure to care about unless a bug report comes in.
Kevin Peno
Adobe also has a project at It requires a login, but results are nearly instant and the interface is nice with the tabs.