




Hi, I'm stuck with this. I'm self studying assenbler and translating some basics instructions. But i can't with this one.

Can anyone help me, please?

secuencia ( int n, EXPRESION * * o )
  int a, i;
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){

    a = evaluarExpresion( *o );

    // Im trying to do this: o++;
  __asm {
      mov eax,dword ptr [o] 
      mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 
      inc [ecx]  
  return a ;

I wrote the inside for and works, but still don't know how to increment O

secuencia ( int n, EXPRESION * * o )
  int a, i;
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){

      __asm {

      mov eax,dword ptr [o] 
      mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 
     push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      push ecx

      call evaluarExpresion
     mov esp, ebp

     pop ebp

     mov a, eax

  return a ;
+1  A: 

There are two options:


  • move the value of o from memory into a register (eax, for example)
  • increment the register
  • move the value from the register back to memory


  • increment the value stored in memory directly

Try to use both methods.

I'd give some code but I've never used MASM syntax (or whatever it is you're using).
Hi Artelius, I know that I need to do the second one, But i really don't know how. I'm working for a few hours... but nothing, can you please code-explain me? I also try with lea eax, o but doesn't work.thanks
Try `inc dword ptr o` or `inc dword ptr [o]`. If this succeeds, good, but I suggest for practice you also try to move `o` into a register, increment the register, and move the register into memory again.
I pass the values to the registries but still have the problem. I edit the question, could you please check it out? thanks!
I follow your recomendation and read about it. I'm using MASM and what I want to do is not possible (at least not in a easy way).So I just incresea the value directly following the advice from toto: add o, 4 and it solves the problem. Thank you! (Do you want a google wave invitation as a way to say thanks?)
That would be nice! I shall send you an email.
+1  A: 
mov esi, o
add esi, 4 //increment is here

Line1 : We move your o pointer to the esi register. Line2: We increment your o pointer


mov eax, o
mov esi, [eax]
add esi, 4

I don't understand perfectly what you are trying to do but I hope it helped!

Hi toto,I try that: call evaluarExpresion mov esi, [o] add esi, 4 //increment is here mov esp, ebpBut doesn't work. Or do I need to put it in another place?
Of course! Don't use INC, pointers are 4 bytes (in 32-bit assembly language...)
Hi Toto, and thanks again.What I need to do is that inside assembler, replace the o++ instruction.I need to get a pointer to o, and modify the instruction within that pointer to add 4 (so it can pass to next element). I try both of your recommendations but doesn't work. What is more strange is that just leaving o++ outside the asm (of course is C) it works. So It must be a translating issue. I don't know if I explain myself. Thank you very much for your help.
Your solution works!!! but not on this compiler :(Still, thank you very much! and check below, that goes for you also!
I think, in the first example, you must add `mov o, esi` to save the value back to the `o` variable.