




I developed small application using DirectShow and code on next link:

If i have 2nd display active, when I close application, it reset my PC.

How does it looks line? First, when I close application, for 0.5 is all ok, after that PC freezes for 1 sec, blue screen for 0.5 sec, and then reset.

I have Nvidia 7600GS video card in PC.

Is there maybe a problem with capture.Close(); method? Or it's video card?

Please help!


Sounds like you're getting a BSoD. Configure your computer to save a memory dump file or connect a kernel debugger, and you'll be able to get the bugcheck code and stack trace.

On Freund

On Freund,

thanx, but can we try someting easier? i don't want to debug directshow libraries...

I have no experience with DirectShow, so I really have no idea. I am, however, pretty sure that you're experiencing a BSoD, so getting the information and searching for it might prove useful even without debugging.
On Freund
BSoD lasts very short time before machine reset itself. But, I did manage to get on it, that irq channels are mentioned on BSoD...On the other side, Device manager in Windows reports no errors, and all is clear there.
Configure Windows to save a memory dump file, and open it using WinDBG. You'll see all the information and have time to copy it.
On Freund

is there someting to do with method StopWhenReady() ?

how can i call that method?


I've had similar issues. Essentially it was a poorly written driver for a crappy webcam.

Jeremiah Morrill