Given a function object or name, how can I determine its arity? Something like (arity func-name)
I hope there is a way, since arity is pretty central in Clojure
Given a function object or name, how can I determine its arity? Something like (arity func-name)
I hope there is a way, since arity is pretty central in Clojure
user=> (defn test-func
([p1] "Arity was 1.")
([p1 p2] "Arity was 2.")
([p1 p2 & more-args] (str "Arity was " (+ 2 (count more-args)))))
user=> (test-func 1)
"Arity was 1."
user=> (test-func 1 2)
"Arity was 2."
user=> (test-func 1 2 3)
"Arity was 3"
user=> (test-func 1 2 3 4)
"Arity was 4"
user=> (test-func 1 2 3 4 5) ;...
"Arity was 5"
The arity of a function is stored in the metadata of the var.
(:arglists (meta #'str))
;([] [x] [x & ys])
This requires that the function was either defined using defn
, or the :arglists
metadata supplied explicitly.
Note, that this really only works for functions defined with defn. It does not work for anonymous functions defined with fn or #().
Sneaky reflection:
(defn arg-count [f] (let [m (first (.getDeclaredMethods (class f))) p (.getParameterTypes m)] (alength p)))