I have not done this using the Crystal Reports .NET API, but I do have a working piece of code written in VB6 that calls the COM API. The API class and member names can't be that different.
Private Sub SetDataConnections(ByVal oReport As CRAXDRT.Report, ByVal oConnection As ADODB.Connection)
' Do all tables in this report.
Dim oTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable
For Each oTable In oReport.Database.Tables
SetDataConnection oTable, oConnection
' Find all subreports and do them too.
Dim oSection As CRAXDRT.Section
For Each oSection In oReport.Sections
Dim oObject As Object
For Each oObject In oSection.ReportObjects
If TypeOf oObject Is CRAXDRT.SubreportObject Then
Dim oSubreportObject As CRAXDRT.SubreportObject
Set oSubreportObject = oObject
SetDataConnections oSubreportObject.OpenSubreport()
Set oSubreportObject = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetDataConnection(ByVal oTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable, ByVal oConnection As ADODB.Connection)
' Extract the relevant data from the ADO connection.
Dim sServer As String
Dim sDatabase As String
Dim bTrusted As String
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sPassword As String
Dim nTimeout As Long
With oConnection.Properties
sServer = .Item("Data Source").Value
sDatabase = .Item("Initial Catalog").Value
Select Case UCase(.Item("Integrated Security").Value)
Case "SSPI", "YES"
bTrusted = True
Case Else ' "NO", ""
bTrusted = False
End Select
sUserName = .Item("User ID").Value
sPassword = .Item("Password").Value
End With
nTimeout = oConnection.CommandTimeout
' Delete and re-create all connection information. This is the only way of getting it
' to work if the report contains subreports. Changing database drivers on the fly is
' not allowed, so we must re-create the connection using settings appropriate for the
' particular driver involved.
Select Case oTable.DllName
Case "crdb_ado.dll"
With oTable.ConnectionProperties
.Add "Database Type", "OLE DB (ADO)"
.Add "Provider", "SQLOLEDB"
.Add "Data Source", sServer
.Add "Initial Catalog", sDatabase
.Add "Integrated Security", bTrusted
.Add "User ID", sUserName
.Add "Password", sPassword
.Add "OLE DB Services", -1
.Add "General Timeout", nTimeout
End With
Case Else
' TODO: Handle other drivers appropriately.
End Select
End Sub