



Hi all,

Is it possible to have two headers in Ext JS grids? I have to show my grid as grouped data.. for example product types and products. In my case I need a grid like this:

Field      |  Product Type A       |      Product Type B    |  
           |     A1   |     A1     |   B1   |   B2   |  B3  |
    T1           3          4          3        2       1   
    T2           3          8          1        5       8   

Is grid layout possible like this?

Thanks for help in advance..

Regards, Abdel Olakara

+1  A: 

Create a Grid Custom Plugin

Everything is possible as long as you know what to do... :) I suggest you look at creating custom plugins for existing ExtJS components.

Based on the info you've provided it's hard to tell anything because we don't know whether you know both (or maybe even more groups) header groups at the beginning? Wheter your groups are collapsible and maybe displaying sums as well...

But anyway. It is possible by either creating a plugin or a completely new extended GridPanel.

Robert Koritnik

Robert, Thanks.. I got the plugin for grouping header.. link text

Abdel Olakara
You should have marked Robert's answer as the correct one then :)
Juan Mendes

Have a look at the following extension:

Something similar to this is being released as ux for Ext 3.1.

Evan Trimboli