



I am working on a ASP.NET web application that uses the Session heavily. Recently, we have experienced negative performance due to excessive memory consumption. I am interested to know if there are any tools to run against the server to check what is being stored by the web app in the Session/Cache/Application to determine the size of the values being stored etc.


Have a look at this article - may offer some help (includes detail on size of data etc):

+1  A: 

You can easily iterate through the items in cache or session, so basically, set up a page to see the session info, and browse the website. Then check back on the page.

Jan Jongboom
I was under the impression that it would only show values in the session I am working with and not for all sessions. Is there a way around this?
Basically, when browsing the site it should create something like the same session as everyone else, so you'd be able to find the bottleneck quite easily. Cache is shared among all users, so won't be a big issue.
Jan Jongboom