




I have a table which has a button to "Add Rows". This button adds a row dynamically with JQuery. It works by copying the first ... and then replacing all the id=".." with an incremented number.

The problem is that the rows have a YUI AutoComplete which looks like the following:

   <input type="hidden" name="location_num[0]" value="508318" maxLength="25" style="width:230px" id="location_num[0]"/>
   <input type="textbox" name="location_numDisplayDesc[0]" value="WINNIPEG" maxLength="25" style="width:230px" id="location_numDisplayDesc[0]"/>
   <div id="Container_location_num[0]" style="display:inline;"></div>

  <script type="text/javascript">

// Initialize autocomplete
var location_numAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(

location_numAC.useShadow = true
location_numAC.useIFrame = true

// Format results to include the reference number
location_numAC.formatResult = function(resultItem, query) {
 return resultItem[0];

// Clear key before request
location_numAC.dataRequestEvent.subscribe(function fnCallback(e, args) {
 YAHOO.util.Dom.get("location_num[0]").value = ""; });

// Set key on item select
location_numAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function(event, args) {
 YAHOO.util.Dom.get("location_num[0]").value = args[2][1];

// Clear key when description is cleared
location_numAC.textboxBlurEvent.subscribe(function fnCallback(e, args) {
 if (isEmpty(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("location_numDisplayDesc[0]").value)) {
  YAHOO.util.Dom.get("location_num[0]").value = "";
 } // end if

This code works fine in Firefox and the newly created AutoCompletes work, but in IE (6 & 7) I am getting an error that means that the location_num_AC is not being created successfully. I believe that it's because that it's not reading the newly created inputs or div as it should. I've tried wrapping the javascript with

$("Container_location_num[0]").ready(function {...});

but that didn't seem to work. Does anyone have any other ideas?

+2  A: 

Form fields that are inserted into the DOM in IE don't add to the forms collection as you might expect.

Normally you can refer to a form field one of two ways:


That is, by its form field name or by its index. But when you add a form field to the DOM in IE you can't refer to it by name, only by its index. If your code (or any supporting code) is looking for a form field in the collection by its name you've obviously got a problem.

If your only key is the name you can loop through all the form fields by index and find what you're looking for, but that's obviously going to be a linear operation. You can also loop through and find which form fields are indexed numerically but not by name and update the form object yourself.

I don't have enough detail to know how (or if) this is occurring in your project, but it's one of those IE quirks that sounds like it might be playing a role since you're adding fields dynamically.

Matt Baker
Explanation/workaround for IE is here: (FYI you can refer to dynamic elements by name just fine in IE, however the devil's in the details)
Crescent Fresh
Ah, thanks for that link! Excellent.
Matt Baker