I'm getting slightly different display of a website depending on which URL I use to access it (two different servers, both serving the same files). One looks "thinner" than the other in Firefox 3.0 (no discernible difference in IE)
For example, compare:
This is not a major issue, but I just noticed this and am extremely curious as to what could cause it. Is it some kind of Firefox bug? I haven't yet tried the newest version.
EDIT: My bad for assuming those URL's were actually serving the same content (it's not my server, but I do attend that school). Comparing:
http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~ecegsa/links.html (it seems this server is down atm) and http://www1.ece.ualberta.ca/~ecegsa/links.html
shows the same issue, but the HTML is identical according to diff run on saved files. I don't see the problem on anything other than FF 3.0 at my work, so I'm guessing it's some idiosyncrasy with that browser. Still curious though.