I'm not sure if I am even barking up the right tree here... but here goes.
I'm trying to pass data from my parent process to all children. It's a simple server program that basically will keep a list of connected clients and then send the routing table of connected clients to every client. This is eventually going to include a struct of information about each client... but for right now I just want to get every forked process to get the same information from the parent.
In the parent process, first I set up my pipes and set them to nonblocking (for when there isn't any new data available in the pipe). After a connection is made with a client the number of entries variable is increased to reflect this new connection. I then fork a child process to a new function and update my array of pipes with the new number of table entries (I have 10 pipes at the moment to see if I needed to keep a separate pipe for each child).
pid_t pid;
int numchildren;
int i, n;
/* Create the pipes. */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (pipe (mypipe[i]))
fprintf (stderr, "Pipe failed.\n");
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(n=0; n<2; n++)
// Get previous flags
int f = fcntl(mypipe[i][n], F_GETFL, 0);
// Set bit for non-blocking flag
// Change flags on fd
fcntl(mypipe[i][n], F_SETFL, f);
pid = fork();
if (pid == (pid_t) 0)
close (mypipe[numentries-1][1]);
recievecmds(new_fd, mypipe[numentries-1][0]);
else if (pid < (pid_t) 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Fork failed.\n");
sprintf (buf,"%d",numentries);
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
write(mypipe[i][1], buf, strlen(buf));
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof buf);
And then I try to read whats in the pipe in the recievecmds() function:
nbytes = read(mypipe[childindex][0], buf, sizeof(buf));
The first client connected tells me numentries = 1, the second client tells me numentries = 2 and so on. I mean I really don't even see the point for a pipe since it seems that whatever I put in the pipe I could just pass it in the function I called on the fork. Am I going about this the wrong way? It's been very frustrating trying to figure this out. How can I keep all of my child processes updated concurrently from my parent process?
Thank you so much in advance.
edit - My main problem was that I was redeclaring the pipe everytime in an infinite while loop. Very dumb mistake, immediately realized that was probably the root of my problem. However, while now the first child/pipe combo contains the correct data... the second does not. I'll see if I can figure this out on my own, thanks for the advice!
Of course now I'm running into problems because I manually select an option to get the data off the pipe. I'm going to have to think up a way to maybe either get the data for all pipes every time it's updated or make sure to get just the newest data (probably just one char at a time).
Thanks for putting up with me guys! And I apologize about not posting the whole program... but there's quite a bit. I definitely should have mentioned that I have it in an infinite loop.