



C# is my language of choice... rest is in the title

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WCF: Getting Started Tutorial from MSDN is a great place to start.

SOAP is a web services standard and WCF is a framework that is part of .NET 3.5 that enables SOAP web services to be hosted or accessed from a WinForms application.


In the past two years there has been a huge discussion about the usability of SOAP versus REST. Interestingly this discussion is web centric not Winforms centric. If you are trying to marshall objects from a Windows server to a Winform client then you would have more success using Remoting or WCF with tcp binding. If you are trying to consume a SOAP based service that you are not developing yourself, then you'll most likely need to implement a proxy in your client app. In that case read up on how consume a SOAP web service. But from your question it sounds like you are writing the server and client yourself right? So Google for WCF based remoting code and winform client. That should help.

Thomas Wagner
+1  A: 

This series of webcasts by Michele Leroux Bustamante are a great resource to get started with services.

Rob Windsor