I have a cursor that is used to get some preliminary information for some other processing. It is possible that the query backing the cursor may not return any rows, and in these rare cases, we want to raise a special exception (handled and logged elsewhere so processing is not compeltely halted) so that the user knows about what is most likely bad input. Here's what it looks like:
open c_getPrs(in_pnum);
fetch c_getPrs
into r_rpmRecord;
if c_getPrs%NOTFOUND then
end if;
exit when c_getPrs%rowcount > 1 /*or c_getPrs%NOTFOUND*/;
end loop;
close c_getPrs;
The problem is that the if-statement ALWAYS executes so the exception is always raised, even when a row is returned. I'm not sure why. If there's a better way to handle this kind of logic, I'm open to that too ;)