In a typical many-to-many case, where the join table only has the composite key (two primary key fields), Entity Framework will add the navigation properties directly to the related entities. However, when the join table has extra fields, Entity Framework creates an entity for the join table so you can "get at" the extra information.
In the case you described above, Entity Framework will generate an Entity for your "join" table that will have associations to all 3 of your objects.
I created an example using the entities Item1, Item2, Item3, and Link.
From a database perspective, if I have the ID of an Item1, I can query the table with something like:
select Item1ID, Item2ID, Item3ID from Link where Item1ID = 1
This will give me a list of Item2, Item3 "pairs" that are associated with Item1 #1. Using Linq to Entities, I can query the EF model similarly by doing:
var q =
from link in context.Link
where link.Item1ID == 1
select new { link.Item1, link.Item2, link.Item3 };
Or if I already have an Item1 object that I want to get relationships for:
item1.Link.Select(l => new { l.Item1, l.Item2, l.Item3 });
These are just basic examples, but you can easily use the LINQ extension methods and IQueryable to transform/group the data to your liking.
If you can provide more details about your case, I could give you more specific examples. Hope that helps!