



I'me using Notepad++ for editing rake files and I'd like to be able to use the function list plugin.

I've been unable to find any parsing rules on line, and the "Language Parsing Rules" dialog is not very clearly documented.

I'm parsing methods into the list with the following, but would like to also display tasks.

Function Begin:  [ \t]*def[ \t]+
Function List Name: [a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*

This isn't very clean, and won't capture functions that end with ? or !, but it is a start.

My task rule, which isn't working is:

Function Begin: [ \t]*task[ \t]+
Function List Name: :[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*
Function End: [ \t]+do

Any suggestions most welcome.



Hi, maybe you can use below setting. You can add below setting in your FunctionListRules.xml file. Hope it can be helpful.

<Language name="Ruby" imagelistpath="C:\Documents and Settings\king_cao\Application Data\Notepad++\plugins\config\C++.flb"> <Group name="CLASS" subgroup="FUNCTION" icon="1" child="11" autoexp="4" matchcase="1" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^class\s+" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="^end$" sep="" /> </Group> <Group name="FUNCTION" subgroup="" icon="9" child="17" autoexp="4" matchcase="1" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^[\s\t]+def\s+" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="^[\s\t]+end$" sep="" /> </Group> <Group name="GlobalFunction" subgroup="" icon="9" child="17" autoexp="4" matchcase="1" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^def\s+" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="^end$" sep="" /> </Group> <Group name="MODULE" subgroup="FUNCTION" icon="8" child="11" autoexp="4" matchcase="1" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^module\s+" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="^end$" sep="" /> </Group> </Language>

Thanks. I'll try it. What is the reference to the C++.flb file? obviously it is something in your local path.