



I have an object mapped as follows:

<class name="A" table="TableA">
    <id name="ID" column="AId" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
        <generator class="native" />
    <discriminator column="Type" type="Int32" />
    <property name="Description" />

<subclass name="B" discriminator-value="0" extends="A">
    <property name="B_specific_properties />

<subclass name="C" discriminator-value="1" extends="A">
    <property name="C_specific_properties />

I'm planning to use a stored procedure to do the insert, and currently both B and C uses the same stored procedure to insert into the table. My question is with the objects mapped as above, does the sql-insert belong to class A? If it does, is it expecting to do a save() on object A? How can I make it recognize the additional properties of B and C when I'm saving?


Is using one stored procedure to save for the two sub-classes an impossible task, although they belong to the same table?

Thank you very much for any input!


I will show you how I did this

<class name="CompanyCharacteristic" table="firma_cecha" abstract="true" discriminator-value="not null">
    <id name="Id" column="id_firma_cecha">
        <generator class="native" />
    <discriminator column="typ_cechy"/>
    <property name="FriendlyTypeName" column="typ_cechy" insert="false" update="false"/>

    <property name="All" column="cecha_all" access="nosetter.camelcase"/>

    <!-- Auditing data -->
    <property name="UserInserted" access="nosetter.camelcase" column="user_insert" insert="true" update="false"/>
    <property name="DateInserted" column="data_insert" generated="insert" insert="false" update="false"/>

    <subclass discriminator-value="Akceptacja kart płatniczych" name="CreditCardAcceptanceCharacteristic">
        <property name="DoesIt" column="cecha_dec_1" not-null="true" type="DataAccess.NHibernate.Infrastructure.UserTypes.EnumValueInfoUserType`1[[Domain.Characteristics.YesNoNumericEnum, Domain]], DataAccess"/>
            DECLARE @returned decimal(20,0)
            exec sp_FirmaCecha_Add
            @TypCechy = 'Akceptacja kart płatniczych',
            @CechaAll = ?,
            @UserInsertZrodlo = ?,
            @CechaDec1 = ?,
            @IdFirmaCecha = @returned OUTPUT
            SELECT @returned
            exec sp_FirmaCecha_Update
            @TypCechy = 'Akceptacja kart płatniczych',
            @UserUpdateZrodlo = ?,
            @CechaDec1 = ?,
            @IdFirmaCecha = ?
            exec sp_FirmaCecha_Delete ?

        raiserror ('CompanyInfoCharacteristic nie moze byc dodwana za pomocą NHibernate',11,1)
        raiserror ('CompanyInfoCharacteristic nie moze byc aktualizowana za pomocą NHibernate.',11,1)
        raiserror ('CompanyInfoCharacteristic nie moze byc kasowana za pomocą NHibernate.',11,1)

As you can see every subclass need to have its own sql statements. Base class can have its own statements also. In this example I do not allow to modify Base class instances through NHibernate

Thanks for your response. So I'm getting the sense that I will need to create two different stored procedures for object B and C, and if the number of properties are different in B and C, then the number of parameters passed to the stored procedure will be different as well?