I use a simple text editor (vim) to write Javascript and HTML, and I check the result every now and then in Firefox. I have always two windows open: one for my text editor, and one with the current page open in Firefox. After saving a change in the Javascript, I switch to the browser and refresh the page to observe results. That was my workflow until recently.
A couple of weeks ago, I discovered the Combiner tool by Nicholas C. Zakas. To release my Javascript code, I am now using a complete build process based on Apache Ant, similar to what I was using while doing Java development previously.
The first step is to check the Javascript code with the JSLint tool by Douglas Crockford. I used to painfully copy and paste my Javascript code in the online version of the tool, once in a while; being able to run it on all my Javascript files at once with this Ant script is a huge convenience.
The second step is to combine all my Javascript files into a single file using the Combiner tool. The third step is to minify the Javascript code using YUI Compressor by Yahoo!. These last two steps allow to optimize the delivery of Javascript code to reduce page loading.
You can find an example Ant build file that you may adapt to your own needs. I am currently using this file to build my own Javascript library, bezen.org.