We are re-developing our buyonline functionality and we are doing it the RESTful way.
The process is a three step one and the customer is asked to enter data at each step.
Let's say the three URL's are;
Each step is pretty autonomous and don't require data from any of the other steps.
The question is how do I stop customers directly navigating to step2 w/out first completing the details in step1 given each step knows nothing about the previous step?
I know I can add a property to my object model telling me which step was the last one etc but doesn't that kinda break the whole REST principle?
I also don't want to check my model as to whether details in a previous step have been fileld in because again that violates REST principles.
I think I'm slowly resigning myself to a concept that I need (something) to tell me where I have been but I don't want that.
Should/Can the controller perhaps detect that the history doesn't contain the previous step placing control back to where I think it should be?