I see incosistency in Oracle. The inconsistensy is between the way INSERT timestamp data_type value into DATE data_type column works compared to the way CAST(timestamp as DATE) works.
INSERT appears to simply cut off the milliseconds out of the timestamp value while CAST rounds them up to the closest second.
Example: 1)TEMP TABLE create table test_timestamp_to_date (date_col date, timestamp_col timestamp(6));
2)INSERTS: insert into test_timestamp_to_date select to_timestamp('11-OCT-2009 2:23:23.793915 PM'), to_timestamp('11-OCT-2009 2:23:23.793915 PM') from dual;
insert into test_timestamp_to_date select cast(to_timestamp('11-OCT-2009 2:23:23.793915 PM') as date), to_timestamp('11-OCT-2009 2:23:23.793915 PM') from dual;
3)RESULTS: 1* select to_char(date_col,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') date_col, timestamp_col from test_timestamp_to_date SQL> /
11-OCT-2009 14:23:23 11-OCT-09 PM 11-OCT-2009 14:23:24 11-OCT-09 PM
QUESTION: Is there any easy way to avoid the rounding of milliseconds while using CAST? And I am not talking about use of TO_CHAR,TO_DATE combination with certain formating, is there anything else? The coding with the CAST is already done, need a really easy fix.