is there a uniform way in .NET to get application path (physical) both for windows applications and applications ??
3I don't know if it gives exactly what you are looking for, but AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
could be a candidate.
As @AZ pointed out, there are cases when this will not return what you would typically consider the "application directory", so in the end I would say that no, there is no uniform way that will securely give you what you expect.
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location. It always gets you the path of the executing dll or exe (will be in bin folder for web apps) then you can deduce the app directory from it
[Assuming you mean the bin\ folder] This is how I do it.
If your environment is typically Windows apps and Asp.Net, then you should:
- Check to see if
is not empty or null.- If not, then check to see if it is rooted or not
- If not, then remember this value as
(it'll be 'bin\' in Asp.Net) - but beware that more custom AppDomain hosting environments might have more than one path here and could have a rooted path.
- If not, then remember this value as
- If not, then check to see if it is rooted or not
Then, either
- It's
- Or
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, BinPath)
is remembered from earlier).
There are some other advanced scenarios with this - Test Runners hosting a temporary domain for unit tests, and other strange things. Asp.Net also has it's dynamic folder which has been mentioned elsewhere on this answer - but that's a red-herring if you're just looking to get at the bin folder reliably.
You certainly can't just use the Entry Assembly's path - because in an Asp.Net site that will be dynamically generated and will reside in that dynamic folder.
Equally - there are things like Sql Server-hosted domains to consider, which changes the ballgame again (in this case you'd get the MSSQL Server folder).
So any solution that can reliably determine this for any AppDomain is actually going to be best produced by trial and error I'm afriad - until somebody comes up with a complete answer for every hosting scenario! So stick with your most common ones.