The above expression is working fine. this expression means first leter should start with characters only not a digit, remaining letters alphanumarics. but it not allow when i give underscore like "s_sasi" it is giving error message can u help me i want to allow the underscore also in that expression thank u
Hi Martin Hohenberg the expression is not accetping in the regular expression it is giving error thank you for response
Surya sasidhar
2009-11-11 08:30:02
which one gives the error?
Martin Hohenberg
2009-11-11 08:31:43
@Surya - make sure you escape the \ sign: try ^[A-Za-z][\\w]*$, or `@"^[A-Za-z][\w]*$"`
2009-11-11 08:31:44
Ya Martin second expression working fine thank you
Surya sasidhar
2009-11-11 08:32:51
ok first one also working fine thank you dude
Surya sasidhar
2009-11-11 08:33:52
`[\w]` is redundant : use `^[a-zA-Z]\w*$`
2009-11-11 08:35:37