Has anyone implemented Mozilla's Object.toSource() method for Internet Explorer and other non-Gecko browsers? I'm looking for a lightweight way to serialize simple objects into strings.
If matching the exact serialization format of Firefox is not your aim, you could use one of the JavaScript JSON serialization/deserialization libraries listed at http://json.org. Using a standard scheme like JSON may be better than mimicking the proprietary Gecko format.
You could do something like this:
Object.prototype.getSource = function() {
var output = [], temp;
for (var i in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
temp = i + ":";
switch (typeof this[i]) {
case "object" :
temp += this[i].getSource();
case "string" :
temp += "\"" + this[i] + "\""; // add in some code to escape quotes
default :
temp += this[i];
return "{" + output.join() + "}";
See also JavaScript data formatting/pretty printer. I think the routine exports in valid JS format, so it can be eval to get it back.
[EDIT] Actually, not! It is OK for quick dump but not for real serialization. I improved it, result below:
function SerializeObject(obj, indentValue)
var hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
function ToHex(d)
return hexDigits[d >> 8] + hexDigits[d & 0x0F];
function Escape(string)
return string.replace(/[\x00-\x1F'\\]/g,
function (x)
if (x == "'" || x == "\\") return "\\" + x;
return "\\x" + ToHex(String.charCodeAt(x, 0));
var indent;
if (indentValue == null)
indentValue = "";
indent = ""; // or " "
indent = "\n";
return GetObject(obj, indent).replace(/,$/, "");
function GetObject(obj, indent)
if (typeof obj == 'string')
return "'" + Escape(obj) + "',";
if (obj instanceof Array)
result = indent + "[";
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
result += indent + indentValue +
GetObject(obj[i], indent + indentValue);
result += indent + "],";
return result;
var result = "";
if (typeof obj == 'object')
result += indent + "{";
for (var property in obj)
result += indent + indentValue + "'" +
Escape(property) + "' : " +
GetObject(obj[property], indent + indentValue);
result += indent + "},";
result += obj + ",";
return result.replace(/,(\n?\s*)([\]}])/g, "$1$2");
indentValue can be null, "", " ", "\t" or whatever. If null, no indentation, output a rather compact result (could use less spaces...).
I could use an array to stack the results then join them, but unless you have giant objects, string concatenation should be good enough...
Also doesn't handle cyclic references...