



It seems like it would behoove me to learn this GDI replacement, WPF. I dropped some controls on a new WPF project and started looking around. It's obvious the playing field has changed again. If the past has taught me anything, I know I need to get this this thing under my belt (like it or not).

That being said, I'm not sure I can get my customers to swallow the fuzzy fonts. Some of them have trouble reading text on the screen as it is.

I found some mention of this on SO, but no real solutions I can duplicate:

Is it simply that the default font was poorly chosen? I'd rather not have to hack the registry on customer machines.

I was curious what other developers are doing to overcome this.

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

Is waiting until VS2010/.NET 4.0 ships (March 2010) a solution for you? If you're only starting to look at WPF now, I wouldn't have thought you'd be shipping a significant app before March. Of course, whether your customers will be willing to upgrade to .NET 4.0 is a different question.

Jon Skeet
You make a good point. Thanks.
Robert H.
+1  A: 

There's one answer - upgrade to .net 4.0 and the new, improved WPF font stack, which allows for pixel-aligned font rendering. It took Microsoft actually using WPF for a business app (Visual Studio) for this fix to go in, I notice.

Philip Rieck