



Does anyone know of where future features of SSRS are listed?

I found a page that describes the features that are released with SS2K8 R2 but they don't solve the main problem I have porting our Excel reports to SSRS which is vertical merging (plus rotated text to go in those cells) and horizontal tables.

I would like to be able to tell my angry users if/when they will be available...


I'm not at home in this topic but maybe this does what you need: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Report Builder 2.0


No future feature list for SSRS exists other than what is known about R2; the engine underwent a major overhaul in 2005 so I would not expect significant new features until the vNext.Next - that said if you look at some of the momentum in various areas you might get an idea of what to expect. New mapping related functionality, more interactive reporting (maybe a silverlight play), more robust export options and finer grained control over data processing.

What features do you need? They may already be implemented by a third party or they could be something you could create a CRI for...
