




When compiling a latex document with 15 or so packages and about five includes, pdflatex throws a "too many open files"-error. All includes are ended with \endinput. Any ideas what might cause the error?

The error seems to depend on how many packages are used (no surprise...); however, this is not the first time I use this many packages, while I've never encountered such an error before.

@axel_c: This is not about linux. As you may or may not know, LaTeX is also available on windows (which just happens to be what I'm using right now).


This could be caused by a low value in your 'max open file descriptors' kernel configuration. Assuming you're using Linux, you can run this command to find out current limit:

cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

If the limit is low (say, 1024 or so, which is the default in some Linux distros), you could try raising it by editing /etc/sysctl.conf:

  fs.file-max = 65536

Details may differ depending on your Linux distribution, but a quick google search will let you fix it easily.


What is this command giving you:

$ ulimit -n

You might want to increase it by editing /etc/security/limits.conf file.

Pablo Santa Cruz

Have a look at these threads from the pdftex mailing list:
