I've Got two Programs (Server / Client) I'm trying to setup IPC for them (They both run on the same box) Using System.IO.Pipes & Net 3.5
When I call ComOpen, it opens the Pipe correctly, sends the Process ID to the server, but then the Pipe closes and I get an error when it tries to send "Second Write Test"
So Question is. How do I keep the Pipe open for the Life of the Program? (I use the Process ID on the server to close everything down if the Client crashes)
private static StreamWriter MyWriter;
private static StreamReader MyReader;
private static NamedPipeClientStream IPCPipe = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "MyPipe", PipeDirection.InOut);
public static bool MyWrite(string DataOut)
bool ValidPipeOut = false;
// Send Data
using (QstWriter = new StreamWriter(IPCPipe))
QstWriter.AutoFlush = true;
ValidPipeOut = true;
ValidPipeOut = false;
return ValidPipeOut;
public static bool ComOpen()
ValidComPort = true;
try { IPCPipe.Connect(1000); }
catch (Exception ex)
string Erroris;
Erroris = ex.Message;
if (Erroris == "Already in a connected state.")
// We're Already Connected, Ignore this error.
ValidComPort = true;
ValidComPort = false;
if (ValidComPort)
string ClientProcessID = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
MyReader = new StreamReader(IPCPipe);
ValidComPort = MyWrite(ClientProcessID);
ValidComPort = MyWrite("Second Write Test");
return ValidComPort;