A new kitten in the household has the habit of visiting me while I work, and it is able to make my system do things with a few pawpresses that I didn't know were possible. Windows change their stacking order, browsers magnify parts of previously-closed pages ... Just now, though, while I was working in vim in a window in front of my cygwin console window, the kitten walked across the left end of the keyboard. The cygwin window moved to the front, the cygwin cursor moved down one line from the prompt, and something printed:
Display all 4543 possibilities? (y or n)
I pressed 'n', but I wonder if anyone can tell me what keys my kitten pressed and what it woke up. I've used UNIX for years, but this message doesn't ring any bells.
TAB * 2 for command completion :-) You people are great. I wish I could give all of you the answer! Thanks. I'll go tell the cat.