I am going to develop a ball game where i have to touch two/more
ball simultaneously.So how will i detect these multiple touch.
I came to know the following way i can detect multiple touch-
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
NSSet *touch2 = [event allTouches];
[touch2 count] //which count no. of touches
which detect only no. of touch. But I need to find out the (x-co-ordinate,y-co-ordinate) of these touch point.Not only this when i throw (means touch inside a ball and then slide the cursor) these ball how will i identify which ball is moving(means touchmove will identify which touchbegan??and if for each ball touchmove is called then how will i reset ball position because i gettting two touchposition(x1.x2) and (x2,y2) for 2 ball,so how will i say which ball belongs to (x1,y2) or (x2,y2)) .