



Hi there,

I am reading and doing some RnD on RIA as a solution for a new Silverlight project.

I have read alot of the documentation and decided to do a small mockup of a system using .Net RIA Services.

I want to know how to get a Single Entity from the Domain Service?

example: I want to get a person and populate a form:

 public Person GetSinglePerson()
            return new Person { ID = 4, FirstName = "Cyanide", LastName = "Happiness", Status=3 };

} Say I use the the DomainDataSource:

<riaControls:DomainDataSource x:Name="source2" QueryName="GetSinglePersonQuery" AutoLoad="True">

This only returns a EntityCollectionView? How do I bind for example in a form to properties that are in the Person Class?


<TextBox Text="{Binding FirstName, ElementName=source2}"/>

Everything seems to come back as IEnumerable or as CollectionViews (like the DATA binding in the samples) which aren't useful for a single entity.

I want a single persons entry, why do I want a CollectionView in which I cannot access properties directly.

I have also use the:

 LoadOperation<Person> oLoadOperation = oDataContext.Load(oDataContext.GetSinglePersonQuery());

I am very close to giving up on this RIA idea and just going with a normal WCF service as it is more predictable and manageable at this stage.


I presume you have your class decorated with [EnableClientAccess] ?


<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Person.FirstName}"
+1  A: 

hey just found this check it out I think this is what you want to do

Hopefully my blog post that ozdeveloper pointed you to was able to answer your question. If not, let me know.
Jeff Handley

Anyone else noticed how much slower the DomainDataSource is compared to Loading the data in the Load<> method?

Oliver... I'd love to hear more about this. DomainDataSource should not have much overhead over the Load<> method. Feel free to contact me on my blog to discuss. (DomainDataSource developer)
Jeff Handley

I think it is ridiculous that RIA does not let you deal with a single entity retrieval in a more graceful way. If I write a "GetCustomerById" method on my DomainService, I would expect to be able to easily call this from the web application in a first-class "single-entity" kind of way. However, it seems the code-generation part of RIA was designed to just deal with multiple records, which seems crazy as there are all kinds of use cases where only a single entity is desired.

Mike Gates
ctxt.Load(ctxt.GetEmployeeByNumberQuery("ABC123")).Completed += new System.EventHandler(EmployeeLoad_Completed);

void EmployeeLoad_Completed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    Employee myEmployee = (sender as LoadOperation<Employee>).Entities.FirstOrDefault();

I have a desperate, real life question/situation .. I created a Silverlight Business Application .. and have added 4 pages in addition to the main, home, and about pages. 1.Each page is one of your completed chap 09 solutions .. 2.On each “page” I go to my database for the Products download. 3.Example: Page 1. I go to the SQL data and create my product context. Everything is cool. When I go to Page 2, why do I have to go back to the SQL database and re download the data. I think I already have it in my DomainContext.Entities. I am assuming that the data is in the domain universe, somewhere .. can I access it without having to return to the SQL database when I go to a new page? Thanks
