



I'm making a Utility that compares 2 Databases and makes one Equal to the other by changing and adding objects (Tables, Views, UserDefinedDatatypes, Defaults, Functions etc etc etc)

I'm trying to add a Column, not null with a userdefineddatatype wich has a Default defined, the problem is this: I'm not able to use BindDefault before the column is added, because it does not exist (ofcourse) and I'm not able to add the column to the table because it has data and says it has to have a default defined.

Another thing, when I atribute the DataType I thought it might also Bind the Default (because it is Binded to the UserDefinedDataType) but it also didn't.

Hope I made myself clear.

Tks in advance.

PS - I'm solving this by making Nullable=True Update the new collumn with the defaul value BindDefault and Nullable=False

But this not a good sollution, I wanted to make changes to the table for several columns and only make the Alter of the Table at the End.


Surely it'd be easier to download or buy one, based on other comparison utilities recommended here on StackOverflow. I'm serious with this answer...

The problem is that besides the comparison, it also needs to do other tasks specifique to our aplications, tks anyway.