



The crux of the matter:

-new Dell laptop without a Break key.

-VB6 and VS2008 IDEs use Ctrl+Break to pause execution for debugging.

-I need a way to map another key combination to trigger a Ctrl+Break

My setup may make this easier or harder but to be clear I am running Kubuntu 9.10 (latest stable) and WinXP in a VirtualBox VM. Obviously all VB6/VS2008 dev is taking place in the virtual machine.

So maybe it's possible to have the linux host send through Ctrl+Break based on a key mapping, or maybe it's possible to remap directly in WinXP. I'd settle for any solution as atm I need to use the XP On-Screen keyboard to send a Ctrl+Break.


+1  A: 

Ctrl+Scroll Lock should work, assuming you do have a Scroll Lock key.

Wait a second - how did you do that cool looking key thing??
Thorsten Dittmar
@Thorsten: `<kbd>something</kbd>`
Mehrdad Afshari
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Scroll Lock</kbd>
with the <kbd> tag :-)
It's done using the <kbd> tag. e.g. <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>
Thanks all, didn't know this tag. Is it standard HTML or is it a SO "extension"?
Thorsten Dittmar
That's a standard HTML tag: ... though SO's use is a little non-standard, judging from the description in the standard: "Indicates text to be entered by the user."
Thanks. Unfortunately no Scroll key either

Not a direct solution, but something that might help: in Visual Studio, you can break execution using the menu rather than the keyboard: Debug / Break All.


In Visual studio 2008, goto Tools->Options, select the Keyboard item under Environment

In the show commands containing, type 'Build.Cancel'. Then click in the Press Shortcut Keys box, type the key combination you wish to assign and press the 'Assign' button

Anthony Shaw
thanks. That will help for VS - now just need to configure VB6
+1  A: 

Usually, Fn+Some other key (e.g. Delete) acts as Break on laptops.

Mehrdad Afshari
It's Fn+F12 on my Dell.
Johannes: I don't have a Dell. It's Fn+Del on my VAIO Z
Mehrdad Afshari
The OP has one, as stated in the question and *maybe* there is a little standardization concerning Fn keycodes among different models of computers by the same manufacturer.
I tried Fn+F12 on my Dell but it didn't work. (F12 is a media key by default, 'Next')
+2  A: 

There are various tools like which let you remap other combinations. I used it to make capslock my tab key after an incident with some coffee ;)

Mark Mayo
I shall give this a go. It looks quite old - Win 95/98/Me so it may not work
Thanks uberRouse. I tried out AHT and it works very well in WinXP.Simply install the program - it's a TSR (so it stays running) and monitors your key input. I created a one line script file with:<code>^+Insert::^CtrlBreak# ^ is Ctrl# + is Shift# :: means to map# so {Ctrl + Shift + Insert} is mapped to {Ctrl + CtrlBreak}</code>reloaded the script into AHT and now when I press Ctrl + Shift + Insert it sends a Ctrl + CtrlBreak.
excellent, glad it worked :)
Mark Mayo
+1  A: 

You should be able to remap this key in VS2008 through the Tools/Options/Keyboard dialog.

I believe this is the mapping for Debug.BreakAll

thanks. That will help for VS - now just need to configure VB6

Not a direct solution, but in VB6, you can break from the menus: Run->Break. Via keyboard: Alt-R, K


Ctrl-Fn-F12 works for me in VB6 for my new Dell laptop without Break key
