



I have a web page with a form with several dropdown fields. For certain users, using IE6, there is a strange bug where mousing over the dropdown fields will cause the mouse cursor image to flicker between the standard 'arrow' icon and the capital-I shaped text-field icon. Specifically, every time you move the mouse one pixel while hovering over a dropdown, the cursor will briefly flicker to the capital-I icon and then flicker back to the standard arrow icon.

I am unable to recreate this error while testing on my machine, but when testing using certain other machines I am able to recreate it. I haven't figured out yet what is different between the machines (both are using IE6/XP).

The error does not occur when the page initially loads, but if the form is submitted with validation errors, that is when the strange behavior starts happening. The form submission is an ajax call and there is some code that affects the mouse cursor, but I'm not sure how it could be causing this particular bug.

function save()
{ = 'wait';    

    dojo.xhrPost ({ // snipped
    }); = "default";

Any ideas as to what might cause this?